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Stian Soiland-Reyes
0000-0001-9842-9718 · stain · soilandreyes
Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK; Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, NL · Funded by BioExcel-2 (European Commission H2020-INFRAEDI-02-2018-823830)
Paul Groth
0000-0003-0183-6910 · pgroth
Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, NL
This manuscript is work in progress and (for now) follows the style of a Study Protocol for F1000Research Registered Reports
For this study we aim to build RO-Index, a broad and comprehensive corpus of Research Objects found “in the wild”. The proposed methodology follows multiple strands to find the “breeding grounds” of research objects and further describes how Research Objects are selected for inclusion, along with post-processing to build the corpus.
The corpus of Research Objects will primarily be distributed as Open Data, including:
Research Objects that cannot be redistributed (e.g. unknown license) will only be examined for aggregates.
A brief set of qualitative and quantitative analytics will then be performed across the overall corpus, in particular to address research questions like:
One goal of this work is to determine what kind of artifacts, in practice, can be considered a research object. For the purpose of building a corpus we need to have both inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The foundational article on the RO concept is [1] and its workshop predecessor [2]. The Research Object community has maintained lists of initiatives and Research Object profiles which provide curated, although potentially biased, collections of Research Object approaches and implementations.
In order to determine potential sources of Research Objects we will start with these community lists, but expand based on a literature review by following any academic citation of the before-mentioned Research Object articles to find potential repositories, tools and communities that may conceptually claim to have or make “research objects”. This is a broad interpretation that does not expand into general datasets or packaging formats. The list may be expanded by literate search for “Research Object”, the RO vocabularies and standard URLs.
Each of the citing articles will then be assessed to see if they have openly accessible research objects that are possible to identify, and ideally retrieve, by building a programmatic crawler. Ideally such access would use an open harvesting protocol like OAI-PMH or ResourceSync, but it is predicted that in the majority of cases custom crawler code will need to be developed per repository, in addition to manual harvesting of identifiers for smaller collections and individual Research Objects.
7 In addition to this “self-claimed” research object usage we will search in more general repositories by developing a list of keywords like “research object”, “robundle” or the RO vocabulary URLs. We will search in at least:
It is predicted that these searches will yield duplicates, but will be used to find potentially new Research Object sources or free-standing instances.
Finally we will consider broadly Open Data repositories of file archives (e.g. ZIP, tar.gz) to inspect for the presence of a manifest-like file (e.g. /manifest.rdf
). For practical reasons this search will be restricted to a smaller selection of public repositories and formats, e.g. Zenodo (20k *.zip Datasets), FigShare (“zip” Datasets), Mendeley Data “zip” File Set.
A list of trigger filename patterns will be developed, including:
and META-INF/container.xml
from EPUB Open Container Formatmanifest.xml
from COMBINE archives [3].ro/manifest.rdf
from RO Hub [4].ro/manifest.json
from Research Object Bundle [5]metadata/manifest.json
from RO-Bagit and BDBag [6; ]CATALOG.json
from DataCrate [7]ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
from RO-Crate [8]It is predicted that most of the archive files will not contain such a manifest, therefore they can be inspected “on the fly” by the crawler without intermediate storage, to first detect a short-list of archives that contain a manifest-like file. These can then be downloaded in full for further inspection. File-name matching will inspect potential sub-directories, e.g. to detect nested/data/manifest.xml
, but will classify these archives differently from direct matches.
For each candidate source we will collect and assess:
Then for each candidate source we will evaluate:
We may contact the provider or maintainer to expand on these questions if unclear from public information, however we are not conducting a formal survey, as our main interest lays in the machine-readable information from the research objects themselves.
We will finally form a shortlist of sources for further harvesting, considering:
Research Objects may, by their nature, contain information about people and their research activities. It is therefore important that our data collection, processing and potential re-distribution is in consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To this end we will evaluate:
Evaluating this may require retrieving research objects in the first place, but particular care will be taken to classify Research Objects and their sources according to the above evaluation in order to filter information that can progress to be part of the Open Data RO-Index corpus. This forms a staged inclusion list:
Note: In the above, “tend to” will be determined manually by inspecting a smaller subset of typically 10 research objects. The selection will aim to approximate a simple random subset, but may need to be expanded to take into account the overall diversity of ROs at the source, e.g. date, authors, subsystem, formats. The identifiers of the ROs of this subset will be recorded, along with a description of how the subset was selected.
The inclusion list may be further restricted based on findings from further processing (e.g. a repository is found to distribute sensitive data).
It is worth noting that compliance with open licenses like Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) or Apache License 2.0 require attribution to be propagated (if present). Attribution may sometimes take the form of a URL, identifier, project or organization which do not directly identify a person.
The inclusion list will form different subsets of Research Objects:
Data for any excluded Research Objects will only be kept for the purpose and duration of this study on computer infrastructure managed by The University of Manchester. Data from excluded Research Objects will only be used for non-person-identifiable aggregated results (e.g. number of CSV files) and broad categorization (e.g. vocabularies used in metadata).
The identifiers from category 1, metadata from category 3 and data from category 4 will be shared in the public Open Data repository Zenodo according to Zenodo’s policies. Metadata from category 3 and 4 above may be exposed for programmatic querying (e.g. SPARQL) or converted to other formats. No additional linking with internal and external data sources will be performed, although the collected Research Objects may already contain such links (e.g. identifiers of authors); an exception to this rule is that linking will be permitted to detect duplicate Research Objects across multiple sources, and to access resources clearly aggregated as part of the Research Object.
For GDPR purposes the Data Controller is The University of Manchester, data subjects may contact
for any enquiries, such as to request access to data about themselves, or to request update or removal of personally identifiable information.
A key characteristic of a Research Object is the presence of a manifest that describes and relates the content. However, multiple potential formats and conventions have emerged for how to serialize such a format. (..)
The overall data gathering workflow is envisioned as:
Post-processing workflow:
A prototype workflow is being developed using Common Workflow Language [23], figure 1 shows how a a community sub-section of the Zenodo repository is being inspected to list the filenames contained within its downloadable ZIP files.
In brief the prototype workflow consists of these steps:
or meta.xml
within list and return original Zenodo URI or null
(in development)The workflow and its components have been tested with the reference implementation cwltool
[25] which can provide rich provenance captured in CWLProv research objects [26]
In developing this prototype several challenges where immediately detected:
and had to be rewritten to a URI using the same record number.
block within HTML (for copy-pasting) and not programmatically accessible. HTTP content-negotiation does not give direct access to the structured data. There are no alternate
links from the HTML landing page to these “export” pages, so their URIs would have to be manually constructed.
saves all intermediate values until the end of the workflowcurl
could be passed to the utillity sunzip which can extract/inspect ZIP files in a streaming fashion
sunzip -t
(test extract) itself is not streamablesunzip -l
was attempted, where file names of records are printed as they are encountered. This is at the risk of printing files that have subsequently been deleted from the ZIP file and do not appear in the table of content. This was considered a small risk as the primary purpose was to detect ZIP files containing “manifest-like” files and it was assumed that most deposited ZIP files had been created in a one-off operation and would not have inconsistent file records.sunzip
is unable to find the offset to the next record without actually decompressing the stream.cwltool --parallel
did not seem to start the subsequent step and thus did not facilitate the streamable
feature. The ZIP files were still saved to disk, and all the ZIP file downloads where completed before any of the ZIP extraction was started. Future work will explore using the implementation toil
which have been argued to have better support for concurrency.In order to estimate the bandwidth and storage requirements for executing the above prototype workflow across the whole of Zenodo, a shell script approach was used to retrieve and analyse the JSON for each Zenodo record, which include information on downloadable filename, extension and file size.
To retrieve these it was deemed necessary to use the undocumented parts of Zenodo API. From the Zenodo source code it was identified that the REST template{pid_value}
could be used with pid_value
as the numeric part from the OAI-PMH identifier, e.g. for
the Zenodo JSON can be retrieved at
The JSON API supports content negotiation, the content-types supported as of 2019-09-20 include:
giving the Zenodo record in Zenodo’s internal JSON schema (v1)application/ld+json
giving JSON-LD Linked Data using the vocabularyapplication/x-datacite-v41+xml
giving DataCite v4 XML [28]application/marcxml+xml
giving MARC 21 XMLUsing these (currently) undocumented parts of the Zenodo API thus avoids the need for HTML scraping while also giving individual complete records that are suitable to redistribute as records in a filtered dataset.
This preliminary exploration will be adapted into the reproducible CWL workflow. Below is a bash transcript. Execution time was about 3 days from a server at the University of Manchester network on a single 1 GBps network link. The script does:
estimated from “Recent uploads”)conceptrecid
is used as marker.0x1e
) to make a application/json-seq
JSON text sequence [29] streamxz
{ "metadata": { "access_right": "open"} }
{ "files": {"size": 12345} }
(bytes)## Naively Download first 3450000 records (many of are 404)
# TODO: Run from OAI-PMH ids to avoid 404
# TODO: Respect Retry and X-Ratelimit headers (this only overrun once)
# TODO: Parallelize 2-3 threads so it does not take 3 days
curl --retry 10 -H "Accept: application/vnd.zenodo.v1+json" \
'[1-3450000]' -o "record_#1.json"
# Ignore "404" etc.
# Convert to
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'record*json' | \
xargs -n32 cat | \
jq -c . | \
grep conceptrecid | \
sed `echo -e "s/^/\x1e/g"` | \
xz -4 -T5 > records-with-conceptrecid.jsonseq.xz
xzcat records-with-conceptrecid.jsonseq.xz | \
jq '. | select(.metadata.access_right == "open") | .files[]? |
select(.type == "zip") | reduce .size as $s (0; . + $s)' | \
jq --slurp add
# 27620751244752
This indicates that downloading all the *.zip files is about 27 TiB.
jq -n '27620751244752 / 1024 / 1024 / 73.9 / 3600 / 24'
# 4.125507608812889
Downloading all will take at least 4 days assuming 73.9 MBit/s as measured using wget
of a 9 GB file - it is predicted that actual download time may be doubled because of the effect of latency on shorter downloads, which will not be able to saturate the link speed before the download is complete. For comparison downloading the JSON files, each about 1 kB, took 3 days, so a realistic estmiate is 7 days to download.
It was found that only a small subset of downloads are over 30 MB. Keeping all the ZIP files <30MB will require about 300 GB.
The machine used for this experiment has about 1 TB free across 2x 1.8TB disks.
Therefore the suggestion is to split the download list into two subsets, a) with many small ZIP files which are kept b) large ZIP files which are processed by streami
(random notes below)
- Create PROV entities for each record, download, manifest, datacite etc.
- Can we get data/stats for all of Zenodo? Start download to fill .cache
Some of the commands..
# TODO: Consistency check of records
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'record*json' | xargs grep ^.."status.*404" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | xargs mv -t 404/
### TODO: Redo as Jupyter notebook
### Let's check the size of the *.zip files
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'record*json' | xargs -n3 cat | jq '.files[]? | select(.type == "zip") | reduce .size as $s (0; . + $s) ' > zipsizes.txt
## Some quick estimates on workload and network/disk requirements :
# How many terabytes to download?
cat zipsizes.txt | jq --slurp 'reduce .[] as $s (0; . + $s) | ./1024 /1024 /1024 / 1024'
# (at 1008098/3450000 downloaded)
# So in total we will need to download about 13 TB
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ cat zipsizes.txt | jq --slurp 'reduce .[] as $s (0; . + $s) | ./1024 /1024 /1024 / 1024 /1008098*3450000'
# Downloading 19 MB takes 0.8 s
# stain@ondex2:/tmp$ time wget
--2019-09-15 00:13:19--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 20233334 (19M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: '' 100%[================================================================================================================>] 19.30M 59.6MB/s in 0.3s
2019-09-15 00:13:20 (59.6 MB/s) - '' saved [20233334/20233334]
real 0m0.823s
user 0m0.056s
sys 0m0.128s
## Only 6000/31370 files or so are more than 30 MB.
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ cat zipsizes.txt | jq 'select(. > 30*1024*1024)' | wc -l
## Only 655/31370 are more than 1 GB
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ cat zipsizes.txt | jq 'select(. > 1024*1024*1024)' | wc -l
## Downloading a file of 10 GB runs at 73.9 MB/s avg
(tested at Sunday 2019-09-15 01:24 - so over-ideal timing)
stain@ondex2:/tmp$ time wget
--2017-09-15 00:22:52--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10081056983 (9.4G) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: '' 100%[================================================================================================================>] 9.39G 101MB/s in 2m 10s
2019-09-15 00:25:03 (73.9 MB/s) - '' saved [10081056983/10081056983]
real 2m10.634s
user 0m31.100s
sys 0m55.288s
## This machine is on a single Gbit link (capable of two links) with MTU 1500
# in server room of Computer Science UNIMAN - jumboframes not supported by network
## Absolute fastest we can download 13 TB?
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ jq -n '13.144507338450477 * 1024 *1024 / 73.9 / 3600 / 24'
# aka 2 days
# how long would Non-parallel download of the small files take?
cat zipsizes.txt | jq 'select(. <= 30*1024*1024)' | wc -l
(tip, 1008098*3450000 is the scaling factor as these estimates are done after
downloading about 30 % of zenodo records -- WARNING: Those are not representative but
are the 30% oldest. )
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ jq -n '25052 * 0.823 / 1008098*3450000 / 3600 / 24'
# Should take less than a day? (That would means API download is slower.. )
So in total 3 days for all zip downloads. No need for special measures.
# All the small ZIP files fit on single disk
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ cat zipsizes.txt | jq -s '.[] | select(. <= 30*1024*1024)' | jq -s 'reduce .[] as $s (0; . + $s) / 0.30/ 1024/1024/1024'
# .. but just about!
stain@ondex2:/tmp/zenodo$ df -h .
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-tmp 296G 46G 235G 17% /tmp
# (total disk space is 1.8T*2, about 1 TB free)
## TODO: Decide on threshold for data that should be kept on disk
## TODO: Can we use Isolon for local storage..? No bandwidth benefit
# but perhaps latency improvement. Might have just 300 GB quota left
# //$/snapped/replicated/goble/methodbox
# 600T 555T 46T 93% /rds/methodbox
# Use ...? More diskspace (0.8 TB * 2)
# the 1TB of Isilon storage has now been setup and is available for use.
## artifactory Used: 790.6 GB
## methodbox 189G
## uh.. 1 TB alrady
# Concatinate *.json into a single file for future use with jq
# Note that this file is not JSON, but application/json-seq
# -- for use wih jq use jq --seq
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name 'record*json' | xargs -n32 cat | jq -c . | sed `echo -e "s/^/\x1e/g"` | xz > records.jsonseq.xz
# Find filenames of uploads
xzcat < records.jsonseq.xz | jq --seq --raw-output '.files[]?.key' > deposit_filenames.txt
# Build a jsonseq with only json records containing "conceptrecid" (avoiding "moved" and "not found" etc)
# (avoids the previous naive 404 filtering)
# Look for *.zip file that are open to download
xzcat records-wtih-conceptrecid.jsonseq.xz | jq '. | select(.metadata.access_right == "open") | .files[]? | select(.type == "zip") | reduce .size as $s (0; . + $s)' | jq --slurp add
(aka 27 TiB)
This work has been done as part of the BioExcel CoE (, a project funded by the European Union contracts H2020-INFRAEDI-02-2018-823830, H2020-EINFRA-2015-1-675728.
1. Why linked data is not enough for scientists
Sean Bechhofer, Iain Buchan, David De Roure, Paolo Missier, John Ainsworth, Jiten Bhagat, Philip Couch, Don Cruickshank, Mark Delderfield, Ian Dunlop, … Carole Goble
Future Generation Computer Systems (2013-02)
DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2011.08.004
2. Why Linked Data is Not Enough for Scientists
Sean Bechhofer, John Ainsworth, Jiten Bhagat, Iain Buchan, Philip Couch, Don Cruickshank, David De Roure, Mark Delderfield, Ian Dunlop, Matthew Gamble, … Shoaib Sufi
2010 IEEE Sixth International Conference on e-Science (2010-12)
DOI: 10.1109/escience.2010.21
3. COMBINE archive and OMEX format: one file to share all information to reproduce a modeling project
Frank T Bergmann, Richard Adams, Stuart Moodie, Jonathan Cooper, Mihai Glont, Martin Golebiewski, Michael Hucka, Camille Laibe, Andrew K Miller, David P Nickerson, … Nicolas Le Novère
BMC Bioinformatics (2014-12)
DOI: 10.1186/s12859-014-0369-z · PMID: 25494900 · PMCID: PMC4272562
4. ROHub — A Digital Library of Research Objects Supporting Scientists Towards Reproducible Science
Raúl Palma, Piotr Hołubowicz, Oscar Corcho, José Manuel Gómez-Pérez, Cezary Mazurek
Communications in Computer and Information Science (2014)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12024-9_9
5. Research Object Bundle 1.0
Stian Soiland-Reyes, Matthew Gamble, Robert Haines
Zenodo (2014-11-05)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12586
6. Reproducible big data science: A case study in continuous FAIRness
Ravi Madduri, Kyle Chard, Mike D’Arcy, Segun C. Jung, Alexis Rodriguez, Dinanath Sulakhe, Eric Deutsch, Cory Funk, Ben Heavner, Matthew Richards, … Ian Foster
PLOS ONE (2019-04-11)
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213013 · PMID: 30973881 · PMCID: PMC6459504
7. Datacrate Submisssion To The Workshop On Research Objects
Peter Sefton
Zenodo (2018-07-15)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1445817
8. A lightweight approach to research object data packaging
Eoghan Ó Carragáin, Carole Goble, Peter Sefton, Stian Soiland-Reyes
Zenodo (2019-06-20)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3250687
9. Ro-Combine-Archive
Stian Soiland-Reyes, Matthew Gamble
Zenodo (2014-04-28)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10439
10. Applying linked data approaches to pharmacology: Architectural decisions and implementation
Gray Alasdair J.G., Groth Paul, Loizou Antonis, Askjaer Sune, Brenninkmeijer Christian, Burger Kees, Chichester Christine, Evelo Chris T., Goble Carole, Harland Lee, … Williams Antony J.
Semantic Web (2014)
DOI: 10.3233/sw-2012-0088
11. Preserving Reproducibility: Provenance and Executable Containers in DataONE Data Packages
Bryce Mecum, Matthew B. Jones, Dave Vieglais, Craig Willis
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) (2018-10)
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12. DataLab
Yang Zhang, Fangzhou Xu, Erwin Frise, Siqi Wu, Bin Yu, Wei Xu
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on BIG Data Software Engineering - BIGDSE ’16 (2016)
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13. The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit: Facilitating the Efficient Publishing of Biodiversity Data on the Internet
Tim Robertson, Markus Döring, Robert Guralnick, David Bloom, John Wieczorek, Kyle Braak, Javier Otegui, Laura Russell, Peter Desmet
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14. Natural history specimens collected and/or identified and deposited.
Claudia Baider
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15. Specification of the Crystallographic Binary File (CBF/imgCIF)
H. J. Bernstein, A. P. Hammersley
International Tables for Crystallography (2006-10-01)
DOI: 10.1107/97809553602060000729
16. CWL Viewer: the common workflow language viewer
Mark Robinson, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Michael R. Crusoe, Carole Goble
F1000Research (2017)
DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1114375.1
17. A workflow PROV-corpus based on taverna and wings
Khalid Belhajjame, Jun Zhao, Daniel Garijo, Aleix Garrido, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Pinar Alper, Oscar Corcho
Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops on - EDBT ’13 (2013)
DOI: 10.1145/2457317.2457376
18. Sharing interoperable workflow provenance: A review of best practices and their practical application in CWLProv
Farah Zaib Khan, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Richard O. Sinnott, Andrew Lonie, Carole Goble, Michael R. Crusoe
Zenodo (2019-07-15)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1208477
19. W2Share Case Study: Workflow Research Object (Wro)
Lucas Carvalho, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
Zenodo (2018-10-18)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1465897
20. CWL run of Alignment Workflow (CWLProv 0.6.0 Research Object)
Stian Soiland-Reyes
Mendeley (2018-12-04)
DOI: 10.17632/6wtpgr3kbj.1
21. The Scientific Filesystem
Vanessa Sochat
GigaScience (2018-03-13)
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22. ActivePapers: a platform for publishing and archiving computer-aided research
Konrad Hinsen
F1000Research (2015-07-14)
DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.5773.3 · PMID: 26064469 · PMCID: PMC4448745
23. Common Workflow Language, v1.0
Peter Amstutz, Michael R. Crusoe, Nebojša Tijanić, Brad Chapman, John Chilton, Michael Heuer, Andrey Kartashov, Dan Leehr, Hervé Ménager, Maya Nedeljkovich, … Luka Stojanovic
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24. Web Linking
M. Nottingham
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25. common-workflow-language/cwltool: cwltool 1.0.20190815141648
Peter Amstutz, Michael R. Crusoe, Farah Zaib Khan, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Manvendra Singh, Kapil Kumar, Anton Khodak, John Chilton, Thomas Hickman, Boysha, … Ryan Spangler
Zenodo (2019-08-15)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3369238
26. Sharing interoperable workflow provenance: A review of best practices and their practical application in CWLProv
Farah Zaib Khan, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Richard O. Sinnott, Andrew Lonie, Carole Goble, Michael R. Crusoe
Zenodo (2019-05-23)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3196309
27. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests
R. Fielding, Y. Lafon, J. Reschke (editors)
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28. DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data v4.0
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29. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Text Sequences
N. Williams
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